BANDO is the name of a foundation that I founded in 2006. I am aiming for a better cooperation between different worlds in communication and that turned out to be of great importance to me when I got in touch with a woman on the other side of the world. In 2005 I actually came into contact with Hannah Fulgueras, who comes from the city of Dipolog city in the Philippines. With this connection, which is very important to me, I founded the BANDO foundation in 2006. On September 9, 2007 we got married together in the city of Dipolog city. The mission of the BANDO foundation is still very important. Alone man is not capable of anything. It only arises as soon as a band is formed and no one has to be banned anymore because we have the unified sound of the same sound.

I hope we can grow with the BANDO foundation soon.

For questions call: +31 (0) 6 422 33 166 or email: foundation

Hans de Groot 


BANDO is the name of a foundation that I founded in 2006. I am aiming for a better cooperation between different worlds in communication and that turned out to be of great importance to me when I got in touch with a woman on the other side of the world. In 2005 I actually came into contact with Hannah Fulgueras, who comes from the city of Dipolog city in the Philippines. With this connection, which is very important to me, I founded the BANDO foundation in 2006. On September 9, 2007 we got married together in the city of Dipolog city. The mission of the BANDO foundation is still very important. Alone man is not capable of anything. It only arises as soon as a band is formed and no one has to be banned anymore because we have the unified sound of the same sound. So a syllable that starts with the musical alphabet "DO" I hope that we can grow with the BANDO foundation soon.
For questions call:
+31 (0)) 6 422 33 166
or email:
Hans de Groot




Op 01-11-2021 schreef ik een mogelijk bijzonder erelid met de volgende tekst: Misschien vreemd, maar ik heb je pas onlangs ontdekt als een groot veelzijdig talent en daarom zou ik je willen vragen om erelid te worden van mijn stichting BANDO. Neem dan contact met mij op via
vriendelijke groeten van Hans de Groot (uit Nederland + Filipijnen) Het is een heel bijzonder talent wiens naam ik pas onlangs leerde kennen. Zijn muziek, die mij bekend werd via TIKTOK, was de reden dat ik op zoek ging naar de naam. Zelden kon ik horen van zo'n geweldige megaster. Vele malen groter in naam dan iemand als Herman Brood voor Nederlandse begrippen.
Icoon voor Geverifieerd door de community


On 01-11-2021 I wrote a possible special honorary member with the following text: Perhaps strange, but I have only recently discovered you as a great versatile talent and therefore I would like to ask you to become an honorary member of my foundation BANDO . Please contact me at
Kind regards from Hans de Groot (from the Netherlands + Philippines) It is a very special talent whose name I only recently got to know. His music, which became known to me through TIKTOK, was the reason I started looking for the name. Rarely could I hear of such a great megastar. Many times bigger in name than someone like Herman Brood by Dutch standards.
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